Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Music fans...wake up early!!! Trust me.


Lupe Fiasco's The Cool.....Really good...not amazing. I've been following this album for a long time now, waiting for it to drop. I've been listening to the singles and the stuff that Lupe put out for people to hear ahead of time...and damn it's great.

So I pop into Sunrise on Tuesday on the way to Richard's house and pick it up...At first only a couple of songs popped out...Go Go Gadget Flow blows my mind every time I hear it, though I think The Coolest is the best rap song to come out since...well I have no idea when, but a long long time.

After that not a single song that I hadn't heard before really made an impression, until the next day. Then I began to hear a couple of great rhymes and a few great that I think even takes the top spot away from Cam'ron on Gone by Kanye. The rhyme about the video game murdering by Bishop G on Little Weapon, and then I find it's the turning point of the album, leading into a block of 6 or 7 SOLID songs that impresses me. It's a classic case of the rapper getting to popular to keep up the sincere rhymes though. There is no Kick Push on this album, a song that you can just listen to and dig it.

I really didn't like the "To Be Continued" he said on Gotta Eat, I find that it's a stupid pointless thing for a rapper to do, though I do find it really cool of Lupe to consciously know when to quit, hopefully he won't pull a Jay-Z and quit then put out shit albums.

I think Dumb it Down is the most important rap song of the year, it's showing the way that gangster rap is passing. It's the 7 year thing, it's been 7 years since garage changed the name of rock and mainstream music, and there wasn't anything huge this year like I was expecting. Maybe this is all I can hope for.


My top 10 album/song list should be finished sometime this weekend, I still really can't figure out anything except for the first and second album on the list. Though I think it's safe to say that the cool won't be on the list. Song's are a lot easier, Japanese Cigarette Case, Neon Bible, My body Is A Cage, Martyr for My Love For You, Slowly Turning Into You, Dumb It down, None Shall Pass, In Search Of The Youth Crew, FAUST ARP....Some of those will be on the list for sure.

I'm getting pretty sad that 2007 is coming to an end, it's been a great year for me, best year for music ever.

I need a Mandolin.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


This isn't really in particular order of albums that won't be on my list, it's just gonna be a bunch of albums I was not impressed with. (And don't worry my 10 best will be much better written)

Battles - Mirrored
These guys have been all over everything this year, and I just don't get it. I'll admit that Atlas is kinda catchy but seriously it's just weird for the sake of weird. It's a gimmick and it's gonna get old really quick... I love the giant cymbal though.

Grizzly Bear- Friend EP
Again people are talking about how great Grizzly Bear is....I don't really enjoy it, I can appreciate some of their stuff and I see that they are talented...I just find them kinda generic and dull.

Feist- The Reminder
This album is a very very POOR re-hash of her older stuff. It has a few okay tracks like 1234 and Honey Honey...but really she should get off the coke. Her music isn't sounding like it has too much passion or emotion in it, I hope she can back on top of her game.

Kanye West- Graduation

Bloc Party- Weekend in the City
Now I've never really liked Bloc Party, but this album bores the HELL out of me. It's boring, and sounds like an even MORE boring version of their old album...Man I wish they quit after their EP.

LCD Soundsystem- Sound of Silver
Sound of Silver, North American Scum, New York I love You...those are the 3 good songs on the album. The rest of the album just blends into the background, nothing stands out in their other songs. All My Friends almost achieves greatness, but falls short a little bit....I have no clue how Pitchfork can say it's the best song of the year.

MIA- Kala
I just don't like her apart from the song Bucky Done Gone.

Oh god I want this.

I know I'm getting older when instead of me going apeshit for something like a new video game or something crazy, I'm going nuts over this beautiful mixing console.

This is a top of the line beautiful new board, and it's only 5000 bucks, the capabilities are endless with it. It doesn't have as much inputs as I would usually want, but it has the ability to cascade with other tascams....Usually cascading is a huge pain in the ass, but seriously this thing is plug and play when it comes to that.

There's a video on the url about everything it can do.;9,9,37,14.html

Now onto something that isn't all about sound boards. I've been trying to figure out my top 10 albums of 2007 for a while now, and I'm having a LOT of trouble. There are just too many good bands. I know my number one and number two, but after that it all turns to shit.

I've listened to Icky Thump and Neon Bible so far today at school, and I'm about 1/2 way through Situation. God, gonna be so hard this year.

I can't wait til the Jetplanes show, this city needs better concerts.

I need to get my XMAS shopping done SOON! OH GOD!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Opening BLOG

Dibbs. Yeah my first post is going to be about how delicious those new chocolate encased ice cream things are.

They are so damned delicious...I don't even know why, they just are. I've only had them twice before, both times at Sunrise. Me and Cavan usually buy them and they are delicious.

I also don't know shit about Bo Staffs.

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